Never Wear White & Other Post-Labor Day Fashion Rules
With another year breezing through its cycle, Labor Day approaches once again. As the first Monday of September, Labor Day often marks the official end of summer and the last hoorah of this season's celebrations. Historically, it's a holiday dedicated to those who marched in the late 19th century to bring light to the importance of recognizing the contributions of workers. Along with commemorating laborers' hard work and an official day off for relaxation, Labor Day boasts certain etiquette standards, including the taboo around wearing white post-Labor Day. Here is a brief guide on post-Labor Day fashion rules and why some choose never to wear white after this date.
The Symbolism Behind Wearing White
The color white holds many symbolic attributes. In Western cultures, white symbolizes purity, peace, and cleanliness. It is often associated with the angelicness of women, hence the white dresses worn by debutants and brides. Historically, white was a popular symbol of wealth and high class. Traditionally, those of higher status wore white after Labor Day to signify their leisurely class standing and their ability to continue with summer recreations while others returned to work.
Meanwhile, working-class people avoided white since they lacked the same luxuries as those with higher social standing. Fall brought about the demands of prepping and harvesting crops, and the exigencies of hands-on labor before winter trapped everyone indoors. Wearing anything white while undergoing labor would just lead to ruined clothes and dirt-stained outfits, so laborers swore off white once fall came to town.
What People Used To Wear
Avoiding white once summer ended held further practical reasoning on top of avoiding dirt stains. White clothes absorb less heat and visible light than other colors, making the color a great summertime shade. White clothes keep people cool and often feature lightweight materials. With fall weather brewing in the sky post-Labor Day, people ditched their white outfits for warmer clothes at the start of September.
Historically, many people wore dark-colored clothes post-Labor Day to hide the grime of work and keep themselves warm in the cooler temperatures. Whether it's to symbolize class status or for practicality, white became a taboo color to wear after Labor Day.
Post-Labor Day Transitional Outfit Ideas
Nowadays, people ditch the old rules of adequacy and any notion of symbolized social classicisms, wearing whatever colors and clothes they want post-Labor Day. Plus, since most jobs don't require people to get down and dirty, wearing white no longer hold's as much risk as it once did for workers.
Though many people now wear any colors they want post-Labor Day, September still marks the beginning of fall and cooler forecasts. Instead of eliminating white, the new rules of post-Labor Day fashion now focus on switching your wardrobe from summertime gear to transitional fall and winter outfits. Say goodbye to summer dresses and short-sleeved shirts, and bring in leggings, boots, sweaters, and layered outfits for those finicky fall days.
Two Cumberland offers a range of boutique-style tops that work for all weather forecasts and seasonal transitions, keeping you looking stylish year-round. Stock up on some colorful shirts and switch your summer garb for some fall fashion hits. Whether you want to stick to tradition or branch out, make sure you feel comfortable, confident, and happy with your look as you embark on the final chapters of the year.